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Improved Lighting

We have now released upgraded lighting for the scenes in DynaMaker! These improvements will lay the foundation for configurators with more realistic lighting. Note that this update does not affect any currently deployed applications; it applies only to the editor environment and any deploys from now on.

Adjusting the lighting

Although we're working hard to ensure minimal impact on how your existing applications appear, this update involves fundamental changes to the system. As a result, some applications may need adjustments and you can fine-tune the lighting using the sceneOptions argument in UI Studio > ADVANCED if needed.

In the example below, the left image is using the default values for ambient and sun intensity. The right image appears brighter overall due to the increased ambient lighting and has less pronounced shadowing from the lower sun intensity.

export function productConfigurationFactory(): STUDIO.IProductConfiguration {
return {
sceneOptions: {
type: 'outdoor',
ambientIntensity: 1.5, // default is 1
sunIntensity: 0.5, // default is 1
// other configurations...

Generate image without cast shadows

The new optional argument disableCastShadows lets you generate images without any cast shadows that may be present in the scene. Cast shadows are the shadows that objects in a scene cast onto surfaces when illuminated by light sources. These shadows can add depth and realism to an image, but in some cases, you may prefer to generate images without them.

const image = await Studio.requestImage({
disableCastShadows: true,
// other args...