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The workflow of an app in DynaMaker is driven mainly by its user interface (UI), which consists of:

Remember that these elements are exclusive to the UI, therefore they can only be added there in onInit(), a function that is already in the default template and initializes the UI. You will find also that the tabs are added to the UI through Studio.setTabs(tabs).

The following app uses a variety of tabs with multiple buttons, a flyout and a configurator:


A tab determines the steps in which the app is divided into. Typically a configuration starts with the main features, then details and finally some sort of export or quote step. These steps or tabs are SKYUI.Tab and can be created with the arguments:

  • title as a string shown in the UI.
  • icon to show above the title (read more about them here).
  • disabled to make it disabled (e.g. to show the potentially final UI), ``false` by default
  • designStep meant for assist you when reading the design step in other places of the code (e.g. in SELECTION).
  • onInit as a function that is triggered when switching tabs.
const configureTab = new SKYUI.Tab({
title: 'Configure',
icon: 'cog',
onInit: () => {
const assemblyComponent = ACTIONS.getAssemblyComponent()
const configurator = ASSEMBLY.generateConfigurator(assemblyComponent)

configurator.addCompletionCallback((valid, values) => {
if (valid) {

const tabContent = [configurator] // could be also [configurator1, button1, button2, configurator2]

Studio.requestGeometryUpdate().then(() => {


Use Studio.setTabs() to show and update the tabs in the UI of your app.

The most common uses of this function are:

  • Creating and showing tabs in onInit()
export function onInit() {
const componentHandler = Studio.getComponentHandler()
const newComponent = new MYCOMPONENT.Component()

const tab1 = new SKYUI.Tab({
title: 'Configure',
icon: 'cog',
onInit: () => {
const tab2 = new SKYUI.Tab({
title: 'Edit',
icon: 'pencil',
onInit: () => {

const tabs = [tab1, tab2]
  • Updating tabs based on a parameter:
export function onInit() {
const componentHandler = Studio.getComponentHandler()
const newComponent = new MYCOMPONENT.Component()

const windowTab = new SKYUI.Tab({
title: 'Window',
icon: 'pencil',
onInit: () => {

const houseTab = new SKYUI.Tab({
title: 'House',
icon: 'cog',
onInit: () => {
const configurator1 = ACTIONS.getConfigurator1() // e.g. adds/removes window
configurator1.addCompletionCallback((valid, values) => {
if (valid) {
const tabs = values[PARAMETER_ID.HAS_WINDOW] ? [houseTab, windowTab] : [houseTab]
Studio.setTabs(tabs) // triggered every time the configurator is updated

const tabs = [houseTab]
Studio.setTabs(tabs) // triggered once when the app is open for the first time


Use Studio.setTabContent() to show and update the content of a tab (i.e. buttons, configurators, etc) in the UI of your app. These are some of the most common uses of this function:

  • Create and show content:
export function onInit() {
const componentHandler = Studio.getComponentHandler()
const newComponent = new MYCOMPONENT.Component()

const tab1 = new SKYUI.Tab({
title: 'Configure',
icon: 'cog',
onInit: () => {
const configurator1 = ACTIONS.getConfigurator1()

const button1 = new SKYUI.Button('Button 1', () => {

const tabContent = [configurator1, button1]

const tabs = [tab1]
  • Updating tab content based on a parameter:
export function onInit() {
const componentHandler = Studio.getComponentHandler()
const newComponent = new MYCOMPONENT.Component()

const tab1 = new SKYUI.Tab({
title: 'Configure',
icon: 'cog',
onInit: () => {
const button1 = new SKYUI.Button('Button 1', () => {

const button2 = new SKYUI.Button('Button 2', () => {

const configurator1 = ACTIONS.getConfigurator1()
configurator1.addCompletionCallback((valid, values) => {
if (valid) {
const tabContent = values[PARAMETER_ID.HAS_WINDOW]
? [configurator1, button1, button2]
: [configurator1, button1]
Studio.setTabContent(tabContent) // triggered every time the configurator is updated

const tabContent = [configurator1, button1]
Studio.setTabContent(tabContent) // triggered once when the tab is open

const tabs = [tab1]


With a button an action is typically triggered. A button requires a title and a function as input, together with some extra optional arguments:

  • activeOnClick as a boolean says whether the button remains green (as if it's pressed) or not after it's pressed
  • bootstrapType meant to define the bootstrap type in case of having a custom visualization (changed later in STYLE)
  • disabled to disable the button.
  • disabledTooltip to show a tooltip as a string when disabled: true and hovering the mouse over it.
  • enabledForSelections as a list of elements (e.g. components, instances, etc) that when they are selected (through the button becomes enabled (typically found in delete-selected-components-type buttons)
  • icon to show to the left of the title (read more about them here).
  • marginTop as a number to set the margin or space above the button.
  • startAsActive as a boolean to make the button green (as if it's pressed) when switching to the tab where it's located. Useful when the buttons changes a state, typically found in select-type buttons and the tab starts with that state.
  • tooltip to show a tooltip as a string when disabled: false and hovering the mouse over it.
  • visible as a boolean to make the button visible or not (similarly as hiding parameters in a configurator)

Some of the most common examples:

const selectButton = new SKYUI.Button(
() => {
activeOnClick: true,
icon: 'hand-up',
marginTop: 20,
const addButton = new SKYUI.Button(
'Add section',
() => {
Studio.requestGeometryUpdate().then(() => {
{ icon: 'plus' },
const downloadPdfButton = new SKYUI.Button('Download PDF', async () => {
try {
const pdfData = await ACTIONS.generateMainComponentPdf()
Studio.downloadFile('main-component.pdf', pdfData)
} catch (error) {
Studio.displayDangerMessage('', `Could not generate PDF: ${error.message}`)


A flyout is a button with multiple options (shown in a grid with rows and columns), similar to a dropdown parameter in a configurator. It requires a title and the following optional arguments:

  • activeOnClick as a boolean says whether the flyout remains green (as if it's pressed) or not after it's pressed
  • defaultIndex as a number to determine which option (starting at 0) will be shown by default
  • disabled to disable the flyout.
  • maxColumns of the grid where the options are shown
  • maxRows of the grid where the options are shown
  • startAsActive as a boolean to make the button green (as if it's pressed) with the same concept as it is with the button
  • visible as a boolean to make the flyout visible or not

Once the flyout is created, you need to add options (or items) through myFlyout.addItem(), which requires a title, a picture and a function as input, including these optional arguments regarding the item:

  • disabled to disable the item.
  • disabledTooltip to show a tooltip as a string when disabled: true and hovering the mouse over it.
  • tooltip to show a tooltip as a string when disabled: false and hovering the mouse over it.

An example of flyout that is used in the app at the beginning:

const flyout = new SKYUI.Flyout('Add module', { activeOnClick: true, maxColumns: 3 })

flyout.addItem('Module A', ASSETS.URLS.THUMBNAIL_MODULE_A_PNG, () => {
const newModuleComponentToAdd = new MODULE.Component()
newModuleComponentToAdd.setProperties({ moduleType: MODULE.MODULE_TYPE.A })

flyout.addItem('Module B', ASSETS.URLS.THUMBNAIL_MODULE_B_PNG, () => {
const newModuleComponentToAdd = new MODULE.Component()
newModuleComponentToAdd.setProperties({ moduleType: MODULE.MODULE_TYPE.B })

flyout.addItem('Module C', ASSETS.URLS.THUMBNAIL_MODULE_C_PNG, () => {
const newModuleComponentToAdd = new MODULE.Component()
newModuleComponentToAdd.setProperties({ moduleType: MODULE.MODULE_TYPE.C })