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April 2024 update

New features:

  • More realistic lighting. This change only applies to apps deployed from now on. We're minimizing impact on your apps, but some may need adjustments. Fine-tune lighting with the sceneOptions argument in UI Studio > ADVANCED. In the example below, the left image uses default lighting whereas the right is brighter with softer shadows with the code below:

    export function productConfigurationFactory(): STUDIO.IProductConfiguration {
    return {
    sceneOptions: {
    type: 'outdoor',
    ambientIntensity: 1.5, // default is 1
    sunIntensity: 0.5, // default is 1
    // other configurations...

  • Use the new disableCastShadows argument to generate images without cast shadows. Cast shadows are created when objects block light and cast shadows on surfaces. While they add depth, you might want to remove them in some cases.

    const image = await Studio.requestImage({
    disableCastShadows: true,
    // other args...
  • File replacement is now available: you can easily replace an uploaded file with a new version, updating all assets using it.

Screenshot of file management interface, showing a new Replace button