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Form Modal and improved touch controls

The recently added Studio.createFormModal() makes it easier to ask for user input, for instance, when submitting a quotation request. You can read more about it here.

Also this update improves camera rotation, zoom, and pan on touch devices. By default, one finger triggers interaction (selectionEvent), and zoom is done with two fingers. You can change this behavior by using the Studio.updateCameraSettings() function and passing in the desired values for the oneFinger and twoFingers options.

For example, if you want rotation to be triggered by one finger instead of interaction and zoom-and-pan by two fingers, you can use:

touch: {
oneFinger: 'rotate',
twoFingers: 'zoomAndPan',

As for zoom-to-mouse, the default value of the camera setting zoomToMouse has been changed from true to false. We believe this is a more sensible default for most applications. If you want, you can enable zoom-to-mouse like this in your app:

zoomToMouse: true,