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How To Save And Load

In DynaMaker it is possible to save and load your configurations. The configurations can be saved locally, however if you want to let the user load a configuration from another session, you would need to store said data in an external database. Below we show:

How It Works

To save a design, it needs to be converted to a stringified JSON object, which can be sent to a server and stored in a database. For this, in the UI Editor:

  • in edit/hide imports..., import the available DYNAMAKER as it is another subcomponent.
  • generate jsonToSave from the top-level component handler as shown below using DYNAMAKER.
  • generate the JSON to save as a string with the JavaScript built-in function JSON.stringify() as:
    const jsonToSave = Studio.getComponentHandler().generateJSON(DYNAMAKER.componentIdMappings)
    const stringifiedJsonToSave = JSON.stringify(jsonToSave)
  • through postMessage you can send this stringifiedJsonToSave to whatever external database (read more here).

Then to load a design, you would need to:

  • fetch the stringifiedJsonToLoad from your external database through window.addEventListener() (read more here).

  • parse this to create jsonToLoad with the javascript built-in function JSON.parse()

  • use this jsonToLoad to generate the new top-level component handler and assign it to the app:

    const jsonToLoad = JSON.parse(stringifiedJsonToLoad) // stringifiedJsonToLoad comes from event-listener
    const loadedComponentHandler = STUDIO.ComponentHandler.fromJSON(jsonToLoad, DYNAMAKER.componentIdMappings)
  • update the geometry (Studio.requestGeometryUpdate()) to apply changes if needed.

Example App

Below we show an example of what could be an app that saves and loads configurations locally in the app through the variable savedStates that could work as a "external database" which is ideal path, since you would not only have full control of all the saved designs, but also of who would have access to what design. In this case it is made so that loading a configuration (i.e. previous JSON) means that it loads the latest saved JSON, which is the last of the list savedStates.

let savedStates: string[] = []

export function onInit() {
const newCubeComponent = new CUBE.Component()
Studio.requestGeometryUpdate().then(() => {

const tab1 = new SKYUI.Tab({
title: 'Configure',
icon: 'cog',
onInit: () => {
const cube = Studio.getComponentHandler().getComponents(CUBE.Component)[0]
if (cube) {
const configurator = CUBE.generateConfigurator(cube)

configurator.addCompletionCallback(() => {

const saveJsonButton = new SKYUI.Button('Save JSON', () => {
const jsonToSave = Studio.getComponentHandler().generateJSON(DYNAMAKER.componentIdMappings)
console.log('Saved', json)
Studio.displayNotification(`Configuration saved successfully!`, { type: 'success' })

// See suggestion below of downloading JSON file when saving
// const stringifiedJsonToSave = JSON.stringify(json)
// const blob = new Blob([stringifiedJsonToSave])
// Studio.downloadFile('save.json', blob)

const loadJsonButton = new SKYUI.Button('Load previous JSON', () => {
const latestJSON = savedStates[savedStates.length - 1]
if (latestJSON) {
const jsonToLoad = JSON.parse(latestJSON)
const loadedComponentHandler = STUDIO.ComponentHandler.fromJSON(jsonToLoad, DYNAMAKER.componentIdMappings)
console.log('Loaded', latestJSON)
Studio.displayNotification(`Configuration loaded successfully!`, { type: 'success' })


Studio.setTabContent([configurator, saveJsonButton, loadJsonButton])


Remember to read more about how to set up event-listeners and integration here. If you have questions or want this template in your team, you are welcome to ask us at